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*** Patriotism *** Education *** History ***
The SAR is a U.S. Congressionally sponsored historical, educational, and patriotic United States 501(c)3 non-profit organization that seeks to maintain and extend:
We do this by perpetuating the stories of patriotism, courage, sacrifice, tragedy, and triumph of the men who achieved the independence of the American people in the belief that these stories are universal ones of man's eternal struggle against tyranny, relevant to all time, and will inspire and strengthen each succeeding generation as it too is called upon to defend our freedoms on the battlefield and in our public institutions. Preserve the memory of those whose service and sacrifice during the American Revolution secured independence for the American people.
The Sacramento and Gold Country Chapters had many members living in what was considered to be more rural area of El Dorado County. Driving distances deterred most of these members from attending chapter meetings and history taught that members living in similar areas often allowed their membership to go inactive. Something needed to be done to better accommodate the needs of SAR members across our state. While serving as VP Membership, Wayne Griswold made separate presentations to the Sacramento and Gold Country Chapters expressing California’s need to better serve its membership. He was especially concerned with those members who were separated from chapter activities by extreme driving distances. Following one of his presentations given to the Sacramento Chapter, he was approached by Tom Chilton who also recognized this need. The two met over coffee and decided to survey active SAR members living in El Dorado County to determine the level of interest for starting a new SAR chapter. Their effort received a very positive response and steps were soon underway to form what would become the Mother Lode Chapter.
After the initial contact was made by mail the first organizing meeting took place on Saturday, July 14, 2007 in Cameron Park. It was a very productive meeting attended by an enthusiastic group of active members. An ‘Application for Charter’ was sent to CASSAR President Karl Jacobs soon after this meeting.
The next meeting was held on August 8, 2007. It was reported our charter application was accepted by the Northern Counsel. The name of the new chapter was voted on and Mother Lode received a majority of the votes. Brian Sonner presented the proposed bylaws.
The next meeting was held in Placerville on September 18, 2007 where the name for the chapter newsletter was voted on. From a long list of possibilities the Mother Lode Dispatch was the winner. The following officers were elected; President, Tom Douglas, Registrar, Jim Young and Historian, Mel Roush. Brian Sonner will act as secretary until that office can be filled. We published our first newsletter in October 2007. The Board of Managers meeting in Santa Barbara on November 2, 2007 unanimously approved the charter and bylaws of the Mother Lode Chapter. We have been holding monthly meetings on the fourth Tuesday of each month at the Denny’s restaurant in Cameron Park. With the help of Tom Chilton of the Sacramento Chapter we publish the Mother Lode Dispatch monthly On March 8, 2008 we held our Chartering Ceremony and Banquet at the Cold Springs Golf and Country Club in Placerville California. It was attended by 36 members and guests including President Karl Jacobs, Executive VP Stephen Renouf , VP North Wayne Griswold and ladies from the DAR and Ladies Aux. The Color Guard consisted of Sacrament and Gold Country members. We are grateful for the ongoing support and encouragement of the California Society especially the members of the Gold Country and Sacramento Chapters.
In Patriotic Service, Tom Douglas
President, Mother Lode Chapter - 2007